?anova(lm(speed ~ dist, cars))
?::anova ?stats
Understanding base documentation functions
I am working on a project dealing with documentation in R and recently did a deep-dive into how ?
and help()
work. This post summarizes what I’ve learned about these functions, first briefly discussing how they “work” in a general sense, then going through their implementations line-by-line to understand the functions at a low-level.
How they “work”
The ?
operator is just a convenience function, allowing users to retrieve documentation on objects specified in a variety of ways. Below I’ve included a few examples which all do the same thing, showcasing how flexible ?
It achieves this flexibility by using functions like substitute()
and eval()
to parse its input, eventually leading to a call to help()
, help.search()
, .helpForCall()
, or .tryHelp()
These are all very similar, and it is sufficient to look into the help()
function to understand what is going on. The main way help()
works is by using the functions loadedNamespaces()
, find.package()
, and utils:::index.search()
to find the relevant package files and documentation. Again help()
has been implemented to be very flexible, accepting arguments in a variety of forms.
How they work: the nitty-gritty
First, let’s look at the definition of ?
function (e1, e2)
if (missing(e2)) {
type <- NULL
topicExpr <- substitute(e1)
else {
type <- substitute(e1)
topicExpr <- substitute(e2)
search <- (is.call(topicExpr) && topicExpr[[1L]] == "?")
if (search) {
topicExpr <- topicExpr[[2L]]
if (is.call(te <- topicExpr) && te[[1L]] == "?" && is.call(te <- topicExpr[[2L]]) &&
te[[1L]] == "?") {
cat("Contacting Delphi...")
Sys.sleep(2 + stats::rpois(1, 2))
cat("the oracle is unavailable.\nWe apologize for any inconvenience.\n")
if (is.call(topicExpr) && (topicExpr[[1L]] == "::" || topicExpr[[1L]] ==
":::")) {
package <- as.character(topicExpr[[2L]])
topicExpr <- topicExpr[[3L]]
else package <- NULL
if (search) {
if (is.null(type))
return(eval(substitute(help.search(TOPIC, package = PACKAGE),
list(TOPIC = as.character(topicExpr), PACKAGE = package))))
else return(eval(substitute(help.search(TOPIC, fields = FIELD,
package = PACKAGE), list(TOPIC = as.character(topicExpr),
FIELD = as.character(type), PACKAGE = package))))
else {
if (is.null(type)) {
if (is.call(topicExpr))
return(.helpForCall(topicExpr, parent.frame()))
topic <- if (is.name(topicExpr))
else e1
return(eval(substitute(help(TOPIC, package = PACKAGE),
list(TOPIC = topic, PACKAGE = package))))
else {
type <- if (is.name(type))
else e1
topic <- if (is.name(topicExpr))
else {
if (is.call(topicExpr) && identical(type, "method"))
return(.helpForCall(topicExpr, parent.frame(),
if (type == "package")
package <- topic
h <- .tryHelp(topicName(type, topic), package = package)
if (is.null(h)) {
if (is.language(topicExpr))
topicExpr <- deparse(topicExpr)
stop(gettextf("no documentation of type %s and topic %s (or error in processing help)",
sQuote(type), sQuote(topicExpr)), domain = NA)
<bytecode: 0x55cf73a1f258>
<environment: namespace:utils>
That’s a big wall of code. We’re going to go through the definition in chunks to better understand what is going on.
Immediately, there’s something I didn’t know before: ?
is a function of two arguments! After reading through the documentation, it looks like the optional second argument, e2
, allows for documentation of S4 methods. For most use-cases, e2
will never be specified and the if (missing(e2))
condition will always evaluate to TRUE
. This means type
will almost always be NULL
, and topicExpr
will always be e1
(the only argument supplied to ?
Above, note the use of substitute()
. Advanced R covers how substitute()
is used for quoting. This is exactly what’s going on here—it is being used to capture the unevaluated argument, e1
, assigning it to the variable topicExpr
(technically, substitute()
returns a “parse tree”). The rest of the code is going to deal with picking apart topicExpr
to determine what documentation to serve up.
Next up, we’re defining a Boolean variable: search
See that search
whenever 1.) topicExpr
is an unevaluated function call and 2.) the first element of the parse tree returned by substitute()
is the function ?
. Why does this matter? It turns out, ??
is not a function— it is the composition of two ?
operators! For example: when you run ??tibble
you are actually executing `?`(?tibble)
So, search
when the double question mark has been used. This makes sense, as ??
is used for a more general search of the documentation (using the help.search()
function, as we’ll see later).
Next up is an Easter Egg. Yup, an Easter Egg. But first, if search
, we remove the additional ?
function (the first element of topicExpr
) on line 13:
if (search) {
topicExpr <- topicExpr[[2L]]
if (is.call(te <- topicExpr) && te[[1L]] == "?" && is.call(te <- topicExpr[[2L]]) &&
te[[1L]] == "?") {
cat("Contacting Delphi...")
Sys.sleep(2 + stats::rpois(1, 2))
cat("the oracle is unavailable.\nWe apologize for any inconvenience.\n")
Now, the Easter Egg. The conditional on lines 14-15 evaluates to TRUE
if there were four nested ?
functions. In this case, a message about the Oracle of Delphi is printed at the console.
????sum## Contacting Delphi...the oracle is unavailable.
## We apologize for any inconvenience.
Moving on, we now deal with the double and triple colon operators (::
and :::
In the presence of these operators, we assign the relavent package to the package
variable and the function to the topicExpr
variable. Below, we have included an example of how this works:
<- substitute(ggplot2::geom_point)
topicExpr[[## `::`
topicExpr[[## ggplot2
topicExpr[[## geom_point
If there is no colon operator designating the desired package, package
is set to NULL
on line 28.
Finally, it’s time to actually access the documentation. First, the case of search
being TRUE
) is taken care of:
if (search) {
if (is.null(type))
return(eval(substitute(help.search(TOPIC, package = PACKAGE),
list(TOPIC = as.character(topicExpr), PACKAGE = package))))
else return(eval(substitute(help.search(TOPIC, fields = FIELD,
package = PACKAGE), list(TOPIC = as.character(topicExpr),
FIELD = as.character(type), PACKAGE = package))))
We see that the function searching through the documentation is help.search()
– the variables we have specified thusfar are provided as arguments and we’re done.
Now we take care of the case where search
and type
. Remember, type
whenever the argument e2
is not supplied— the most common use-case.
A few interesting things to note. First, we deal with the scenario where topicExpr
is a call, in which case the function being used to access documentation is the unexported utils:::.helpforCall()
. I haven’t dug through its body, but it looks like this is to allow users to execute code like ?sum()
(instead of the more typical ?sum
). But, I’ve noticed that it doesn’t work for everything—for an example run ?c()
Starting on line 41, we have the main way ?
leads to documentation. This is how code like ?sum
is evaluated, via a call to help()
on line 44. Notice that substitute()
is being used in a slightly different way than before, substituting the values in the “environment” defined on line 45 before eval()
is run. (It is used the same way in the previous code chunk, on lines 31 and 33.)
The rest of the code is just dealing with the case where type
and topic
was specified by e1
and e2
arguments, respectively. It’s really just repeating what we’ve seen already, with the small addition of using utils:::.tryHelp()
and utils:::topicName()
else {
type <- if (is.name(type))
else e1
topic <- if (is.name(topicExpr))
else {
if (is.call(topicExpr) && identical(type, "method"))
return(.helpForCall(topicExpr, parent.frame(),
if (type == "package")
package <- topic
h <- .tryHelp(topicName(type, topic), package = package)
if (is.null(h)) {
if (is.language(topicExpr))
topicExpr <- deparse(topicExpr)
stop(gettextf("no documentation of type %s and topic %s (or error in processing help)",
sQuote(type), sQuote(topicExpr)), domain = NA)
So, what have we learned? ?
is a convenience function wrapping around functions like help()
and help.search()
. It’s main purpose is to parse the different ways a user might refer to an object (e.g. ?ggplot2::geom_point
, ??knn
, ?sum()
, ?sum
Now that we have a good grasp on what’s going on with ?
, let’s see how help()
works. Let’s start by echoing the body of the function:
function (topic, package = NULL, lib.loc = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose"),
try.all.packages = getOption("help.try.all.packages"), help_type = getOption("help_type"))
types <- c("text", "html", "pdf")
help_type <- if (!length(help_type))
else match.arg(tolower(help_type), types)
if (!missing(package))
if (is.name(y <- substitute(package)))
package <- as.character(y)
if (missing(topic)) {
if (!is.null(package)) {
if (interactive() && help_type == "html") {
port <- tools::startDynamicHelp(NA)
if (port <= 0L)
return(library(help = package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE))
browser <- if (.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") {
get("aqua.browser", envir = as.environment("tools:RGUI"))
else getOption("browser")
browseURL(paste0("", port, "/library/",
package, "/html/00Index.html"), browser)
else return(library(help = package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE))
if (!is.null(lib.loc))
return(library(lib.loc = lib.loc))
topic <- "help"
package <- "utils"
lib.loc <- .Library
ischar <- tryCatch(is.character(topic) && length(topic) ==
1L, error = function(e) FALSE)
if (!ischar) {
reserved <- c("TRUE", "FALSE", "NULL", "Inf", "NaN",
"NA", "NA_integer_", "NA_real_", "NA_complex_", "NA_character_")
stopic <- deparse1(substitute(topic))
if (!is.name(substitute(topic)) && !stopic %in% reserved)
stop("'topic' should be a name, length-one character vector or reserved word")
topic <- stopic
paths <- index.search(topic, find.package(if (is.null(package))
else package, lib.loc, verbose = verbose))
try.all.packages <- !length(paths) && is.logical(try.all.packages) &&
!is.na(try.all.packages) && try.all.packages && is.null(package) &&
if (try.all.packages) {
for (lib in .libPaths()) {
packages <- .packages(TRUE, lib)
packages <- packages[is.na(match(packages, .packages()))]
paths <- c(paths, index.search(topic, file.path(lib,
paths <- paths[nzchar(paths)]
structure(unique(paths), call = match.call(), topic = topic,
tried_all_packages = try.all.packages, type = help_type,
class = "help_files_with_topic")
<bytecode: 0x55cf7461ac50>
<environment: namespace:utils>
Of course, we’ll break this down into more digestible chunks.
First, we are determining what format of documentation to get. There’s weird argument matching going on, but the main idea is that help can be served up in three forms: text, html, and pdf. By default, help()
looks at the global option "help_type"
for this.
Next, if the package
argument is specified, we check that it is a name after it’s been quoted. If it is, the quoted argument is coerced into a string for later.
Now, we deal with the case where topic
is not specified. This is not the typical case, topic
is the first formal of help
. For example, when you run help(geom_point)
you’re setting topic = geom_point
. However, this allows for things like help(package = ggplot2)
This is what’s going on in lines 13-27, help()
is figuring out how to call library()
correctly, given the user’s environment. It turns out that in addition to loading/attaching packages, when the help
argument of library()
is specified it returns information regarding the specified package (in an object of class "packageInfo"
if (missing(topic)) {
if (!is.null(package)) {
if (interactive() && help_type == "html") {
port <- tools::startDynamicHelp(NA)
if (port <= 0L)
return(library(help = package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE))
browser <- if (.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") {
get("aqua.browser", envir = as.environment("tools:RGUI"))
else getOption("browser")
browseURL(paste0("", port, "/library/",
package, "/html/00Index.html"), browser)
else return(library(help = package, lib.loc = lib.loc,
character.only = TRUE))
if (!is.null(lib.loc))
return(library(lib.loc = lib.loc))
topic <- "help"
package <- "utils"
lib.loc <- .Library
Note, we’re making use of the lib.loc
argument. It specifies the location of the R
library trees on the user’s machine. By default, its value is NULL
—this corresponds to the libraries according to .libPaths()
Next is some simple cleaning-up of topic
(which, at this point, we know was specified). Lines 35 and 36 are interesting, note the wrapping of the conditional in a TryCatch()
ischar <- tryCatch(is.character(topic) && length(topic) ==
1L, error = function(e) FALSE)
if (!ischar) {
reserved <- c("TRUE", "FALSE", "NULL", "Inf", "NaN",
"NA", "NA_integer_", "NA_real_", "NA_complex_", "NA_character_")
stopic <- deparse1(substitute(topic))
if (!is.name(substitute(topic)) && !stopic %in% reserved)
stop("'topic' should be a name, length-one character vector or reserved word")
topic <- stopic
After this chunk, we know that topic
is a string of length 1.
The next step is to use the unexported function utils:::index.search()
to search through relevant package for topic
. This involves either searching through the entire set of packages in loadedNamespaces()
or the specified package
Below, I’ve included (truncated) output from a few of these functions so that you can see what’s going on:
## [1] "grDevices" "digest" "jsonlite" "magrittr"
## [1] "/usr/lib/R/library/grDevices"
## [2] "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/digest"
## [3] "/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/jsonlite"
## [4] "/home/ubuntu/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/4.2/magrittr"
:::index.search("anova", find.package(loadedNamespaces()))
utils## [1] "/usr/lib/R/library/stats/help/anova"
Next, we’re cleaning up the try.all.packages
argument. This sequence of logical operators works together to 1.) coerce try.all.packages
into a logical and 2.) ensure try.all.packages
if at all possible (according to the documentation, if try.all.packages
there might be performance issues).
By default (and when it is called from ?
), try.all.packages
, so this isn’t of much consequence.
Here is where try.all.packages
is used. If it is TRUE
, an index.search()
is performed for topic
in every package in the.libPaths()
directory with results being included in paths
Finally, we have the end of help()
. This is the code that fetches/loads the relevant documentation. If everything has gone correctly, R will try to find a way to show you the corresponding documentation. (If try.all.packages
, a search results page will be shown instead). In Rstudio, for example, the documentation file will appear in the “Help” pane.
Why does this structure()
call result in the documentation being displayed? I have no idea. I imagine it has something to do with the print method of the "help_files_with_topic"
class— I haven’t been able to find great documentation on these details.
Try it for yourself! Run the following code, it should bring up the documentation for stats::anova()
<- find.package(
temp_pkgs if (TRUE) loadedNamespaces() else "stats",
lib.loc = NULL, verbose = getOption("verbose")
<- utils:::index.search("anova", temp_pkgs)
structure(temp_path, call = match.call(), topic = "anova",
tried_all_packages = FALSE, type = "html",
class = "help_files_with_topic")
So, what have we learned? Documentation for functions of loaded packages are accessed via a combination of the functions loadedNamespaces()
, find.package()
, and utils:::index.search()
. If we want to access documentation of functions for packages that are not loaded, we need to use the functions .libPaths()
, .packages()
, and utils:::index.search()